That feeling that something else is going on.
As if you knew there's something more, but you're unable to believe those immaterial things.
Things you can only think, not tell. Cause no one seems to believe. Although most of them do think about it.
I'm talking about coincidences and destiny. I am talking about the things that happen for one reason or another.
In my case, I believe that things happen for a reason. As a breakup. And its consequences. Sometimes, you change your path. And maybe that was meant to be the right one from the beginning.
Right now, I still think whether that person was meant to be there, in that moment, for me. I really like to think it this way. It makes things more difficult, but we people know that certain darkness is needed to see the stars.
Why shouldn't I believe it?
I think life is more than that, more than just knowing people and that's all. Life is about links, ties, sharing. If we are all under the same ceiling, isn't it true that one way or another we are always looking for the perfect match? or the perfect company? Maybe not even intentionally. That's where destiny or coincidence come in. And when you have a feeling towards someone you haven't even seen before, but still you want to know so badly... it is more than desire, more than just curiosity. That is where you were meant to be.
The rest of the story, is up to you.
Sometimes, you win. Sometimes, you lose. Most of them.